If you choose not to complete the first class, a full refund will be issued
prior to that class ending.
However, a full refund,minus the $60.00 first class fee, can be requested within a 48 hour time period starting at the end of the first class, provided an E-Mail, phone call, or written notification is received or post marked within that 48 hour period.
There will be NO refunds issued if requested outside of the above time frame.
This policy is part of our waver, and must be signed and dated by the attendee.
Policies You are welcome to observe a Graduating or Advanced class before enrolling. This way, you will better understand what is expected of you and your dog.
There is physical activity required of both the dogs and the owners throughout this course. If you have any health limitations please discuss this with us before enrolling for classes. We will make every effort to assist you with your special needs. We may not be able to accommodate some Special Needs pet owners in our group setting. However, we do offer other programs, such as private training.
Anyone wishing to enroll with a large, older dog who has had minimum to no training, must be aware that such a dog is subject to extreme outbursts and tantrums. This may cause distress to the owner thinking their dog is un-trainable. JCM's recommends that the dog has either one or two private sessions, or stays at the trainer's facility for a few days, in addition to continuing in the group classes.
Because dog training takes concentration and commitment on the part of the owner, we ask that no child under the age of twelve (12) participate. Younger children must stay in the vehicle while on the training grounds.
Class Rules
Any dog can be unpredictable around strange dogs and unfamiliar people. Even friendly dogs can snap if startled or frightened. If you are participating in this class or have just come to observe, we ask that you:
•DO NOT touch or pet any dog other than your own. •DO NOT allow anyone else to pet your dog. •DO NOT permit your dog to sniff another dog, or someone else's dog to sniff your dog. •DO NOT assist other students in class.
Dog ownership is a "people" responsibility. While on the training ground you and your dog are "in school". COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT: The use of cell phones, cameras, camcorders, voice recorders or any other type of recording devices are not permitted.
CHILDREN: Children under the age of twelve (12) are NOT permitted on the training grounds, even with a parent or guardian. It is understood that these children must stay in the vehicle before, during, and after class.
Children ages twelve (12) to sixteen (16) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian not including the person working the dog. (No single parent with a child on the training grounds). Children age twelve (12), or unruly older children MUST stay in the vehicle before, during, and after class. No exceptions.
NOTE: This program is based on correction and praise. Dogs may be handled so inappropriate behaviors can be corrected as part of the training process. This course is NOT intended for owners who object to being instructed on how to control their dog, having their dog corrected for improper behavior, or feel their "out of control dog" needs to "express himself."
In Addition It is often the case that a dog owner will have participated in another school's training program prior to attending JCM's Dog Training School. Even though the previous training was found to be ineffective, the owner will sometimes incorporate the former school's philosophy and techniques into our program. As a result, the following regulations have been implemented.
• Any student who ignores the above rules set forth by this organization while attending class will not be permitted to continue.
• Specific training equipment is required for this program. It is at the trainers discretion as to what each individual dog needs. If a potential student objects to the selected training aid, they would not be allowed to participate in the course.
• Any student who implements someone else's training techniques or method while attending our classes will not be allowed to continue in our program.
Notification of dismissal may be immediate or come in the form of a phone call, letter, or e-mail. •There will be no refund issued to any class member asked to leave as a result of misconduct. •Dismissal or removal of any student from this training program is at the Trainers discretion. •JCM's reserves the right to deny service to anyone, no explanation necessary. JCM's
JCM's All Breed Dog Obedience School
(504) 838-8605 (985) 809-5022
To be signed during registration.
I understand that attendance of a dog obedience training class is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or my dog. For this reason, {any child under the age of 12 (twelve) years, must stay in the vehicle while on the training grounds.} I understand that some of the dogs to which I will be exposed may be difficult to control, and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the greatest of care. For this reason, {no one is permitted to interact with another students dog while on the training grounds.} I hereby waive and release: JCM’s All Breed Dog Obedience School herein referred to as the “Training Organization,” its employees, officers, members, and agents from any and all liability of any nature for injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog. I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury while attending any training session, or any function of the Training Organization. In addition, I hereby assume all risk of damage or injury while on the training grounds or the surrounding area thereto. In consideration of, and as inducement to acceptance of my application for training membership by this “Training Organization,” I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless this Training Organization, its employees, officers, members, and agents from any and all claims by any member of any family, or any other person accompanying me to any training session or function of the Training Organization, or while on the training grounds or surrounding area as a result of any action by any dog, including my own.
Refund Policy:
First class only: $60.00.
If you choose not to complete the first class, a full refund will be issued.
However, a refund can be requested within a 48 hour time period starting at the end of the first class, provided an E-Mail, phone call, or written notification is received or post marked within that 48 hour period. Reimbursement will be issued minus the $60.00 first class fee.(Training equipment.not included unless requested).
There will be NO refunds issued if requested outside of the above time frame.
This policy is part of our waver, and must be signed and dated by the attendee.
What You Can Expect From Our Training Program
The goal of this result-based course is to have your dog 100% reliable & trustworthy in all situations.
If you follow the program the way it is taught and work with your dog as instructed, you can expect: •All of your dog's behavior problems to be cured within a 2 week period. •Your dog will be walking on a loose leash before the end of the first class. •In less than 15 minutes your dog will come to you consistently, every time. •Your dog will heel and work off leash by class number 5 and beyond. •Your dog will be a respectful pack member, not a dominate pack leader. ....and much, much more.
With JCM's you're not just paying for classes, you're paying for RESULTS - GUARANTEED
This Website Updated: 3-15-2025 All information contained in this website is current, and up to date
JCM's Obedience Training Program adheres to the regulations and standards set forth by the AKC (American Kennel Club).
The contents of this website, and all written content associated with JCM's Dog Training and Pet Boarding is Copyrighted Material.
The use of any, all, or part of material belonging to JCM's is in violation of Copyright Law. Unauthorized users will be subject to penalties and prosecution under law.