JCM's has been providing dogs, cats, and horses to the entertainment industry since the mid 1980's. Her animals have appeared on TV, in feature films, and on live stage.
JCM's Dog Training School trains without treats, or electric collars. Instead, they work with using the dogs natural instincts. The attention, devotion, and willingness of this dog is genuine. This degree of focus and consistency cannot be achieved with treats, or when the e-collar comes off. JCM's produces dogs who understand what to do, enjoy what they do, and want to work.
In the old Timmy and Lassie show of the early 1950's, Timmy fell in a well and Lassie went to get help. However, no one ever spoke of how Timmy actually wound up in the well to begin with.... until now. Lol.
This video clip depicts some of Ms. Manino's awards, and also shows her in action with one of her dogs. It is clear that Manino is an accomplished Dog Obedience Trainer. The clip also shows her multi-talented creative side as she wins in National Pet Competition with an original presentation.
Dogs That Don't Come When Called
This clip depicts the first in a series of training videos, "Dogs That Don't Come When Called." Ms. Manino has fined tuned the technique of getting any dog to come when called without the use of a leash, collar, or food. With a deep understanding of dog psychology, she uses the dogs own natural desire to stay with the pack to her, and the owners advantage. Manino demonstrates how the dog is encouraged to make the decision to come when called, and not run off.
Several untrained dogs were used in the making of this video. The amazing transformation can be seen, in real time, how the dogs progress from running away from the owner to running to, and staying with, the owner. Using this technique any dog can be taught to stay with the owner outside, and on walks with no leash, in less than 15 minutes - GUARANTEED.
Montana demonstrating his signature Breakdance routine which led him to International fame.
JCM's Specializes In Off Leash Training. In order to achieve off leash, the dog has to be trained correctly on leash. The above clips show students heeling their dog off leash for the first time. This is the 5th week of our 8 week basic course.
Glimpy throwing trash away
Glimpy Mooning
Glimpy Breakdancing
Glimpy in the Hooverville scene in the 2013 Rivertown Theater live stage production of "Annie."
American Pitbull Terrier, Nadja, shown here practicing her Obedience commands off leash, after graduating from JCM's Dog Training School's Board & Train program. Nadja has already gotten her Canine Good Citizen Certificate.
2015: Nadja competed in the (Novice A) division of the AKC Obedience Trials. She received her CD (Companion Dog) title taking 1st place in all three shows.
This Website Updated: 1-15-2025 All information contained in this website is current, and up to date
JCM's Obedience Training Program adheres to the regulations and standards set forth by the AKC (American Kennel Club).
The contents of this website, and all written content associated with JCM's Dog Training and Pet Boarding is Copyrighted Material.
The use of any, all, or part of material belonging to JCM's is in violation of Copyright Law. Unauthorized users will be subject to penalties and prosecution under law.