Behavior Modification and Obedience Training are two separate forms of training, and are approached in different ways.
Behavior Modification: Behavior Modification is classified as "changing the daily unwanted behavior of the dog." These behaviors routinely occur in the home, or anywhere the dog is most comfortable, and stem from the owners inability to communicate effectively with the dog. Behavior Modification Training addresses behaviors such as jumping, chewing, digging, barking, biting, running out the door, running in the street, charging the door, not coming when called, taking things, housebreaking, aggressiveness, possessiveness, and so on.
Dogs learn through cause and effect. To effectively correct or "modify" the behavior, "the dog has to be in the act of doing the behavior." Other than play biting and learning the "drop it" command, when addressing an unwanted behavior, the correction must never be associated with the owner. Instead, the dog must associate the deterrent with whatever he is doing at the time. The owners job is to set up the situation so this will happen.
Obedience Training: Obedience training refers to the teaching of verbal commands and hand signals to the dog. The dog learns that a certain sound means he has to respond in a certain way. Obedience commands include Heeling, sit stay, down stay, stand for exam, drop in motion, figure 8, recall, finish, move it in, back up, and so forth.
Obedience training provides the foundation of communication. It will also make curing behavioral issues easier.
A well rounded Obedience Program like ours, addresses both aspects of dog training.