JCM's 8 Week Basic Group Course is a complete Obedience program. What is generally divided into 3 separate courses labeled "Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced training," are combined into one all-inclusive package.
JCM's "Advanced Training" program refers to our polishing and competition level. Our 8 week Basic Training Course is a prerequisite for participation in this program.
Behavioral Modification - Behavioral issues are the unwanted activities of the dog in his comfort zone. Usually the home. Jumping, chewing, digging, not coming when called, etc. comprise the day to day problems that occur. Behavior training differs from obedience training. Addressing unwanted behaviors does not involve giving, or having the dog follow commands. Solving unwanted behaviors is achieved through body language, timing, and setting up the dog where the owner is not directly involved with the corrections. Obedience training is teaching the dog to respond to verbal and visual commands.
Obedience Commands: On Leash Heeling: The dog walks at the owner's left side, his neck even with the owners left leg maintaining slack in the leash at all times.
Sit Stay - The dog is placed in a sitting position. The command to "stay" is given with voice and hand signal. The owner walks several feet away from the dog, eventually progressing to out of sight. The dog stays in place until the owner returns back to heel. The dog continues to stay until the owner gives the release command.
Down Stay - The dog is given the "down" command. The command to "stay" is given with voice and hand signal. The owner walks several feet away from the dog, eventually progressing to out of sight. The dog stays in place until the owner returns back to heel. The dog continues to stay until the owner gives the release command.
Drop In Motion - This life saving "emergency down" exercise is used if the dog is off leash and in potential danger. The dog is taught to stop and down on voice command and hand signal with the owner several feet away.
Stand For Exam - The dog is asked to stand. The stay command is given. The owner walks 6 feet away, pauses, then returns back to heel before giving the release. This exercise is great when bathing, grooming, and Vet visits with the dog.
Figure 8: The figure 8 command is a progression of the heeling exercise. It teaches the dog to focus on the owner as he makes tight turns in the shape of an 8. It also teaches the dog to adjust his speed from slow to fast in order to remain in heel position.
Recall - This formal "come here" exercise teaches the dog that, not only does he have to come to the owner, but he has to sit in front of the owner when he gets there. This command ensures that the dog will obey is all situations no matter what the temptation or distraction.
Finish: The finish exercise teaches the dog to return to heel position by walking to the right and around the owner. The dog then sits at the owner's left side in heel position.
Off Leash: Once the foundation is established with the on leash exercises, the owners and dogs then progress to off leash. Starting in the 5th week of class, off leash training continues through Graduation in week number 8.
Dogs are also taught how to keep and maintain slack in the leash when on a casual walk (not heeling or being trained).
Off Leash Heeling
Group Sit Stay
Group Down Stay
This Website Updated: 1-15-2025 All information contained in this website is current, and up to date
JCM's Obedience Training Program adheres to the regulations and standards set forth by the AKC (American Kennel Club).
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